Saturday, October 13, 2012

Senior Pictures !

 Here's a sneak peak of my senior pictures. There are many more to come.Today I took a bunch of senior pictures. I really wanted to take some in the fall while the leaves are changing and falling. Click the link below to go see some more !

Fall Trip

Today Aaron & I went on a small fall trip. We went to a lake area, a park, & museum. We wanted to get away from technology and enjoy fall. We ate at Outback on our way home. I got Chicken Alfredo and a sweet potato. We also went where people were selling all hand-made crafts. It was so interesting & gave me plenty of ideas for crafts. I also took senior pictures today while the trees were pretty. Be sure to go to my picture page to see them. (:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Nail Polish for Fall

 These are possibly going to be my new favorites. The orange is 'spinning again' and the brown is 'mink muffs.' Spinning again is ideal for fall. It's seriously the perfect fall orange. Mink muffs is a really pretty color to match really anything & it's so neutral! Let me know your favorite fall nail polishes so I can pick up more!(:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Backgrounds for Youtube

I have been looking for a good place to make your own youtube backgrounds forever & this is the place. It has so many great effects and clip art you can add. Not including all of the fonts to choose from. I'm definitely more than excited to use this more. If you want to have your own unique background, created by you ; Click Here to go to the website.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Haunted Warehouse

 Today, Aaron & I went with some family and friends to a haunted warehouse. Before hand we went to TGI Friday's for dinner. It was actually pretty scary. Afterwards we went through a haunted maze. Luckily we all took the right turns. There was also a coffin ride, which simulated you being buried alive. It was a really fun night, & I'm so glad I went! I can't wait for more haunted houses! Hope you all had a great Saturday as well!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Haunted Trail

Today I woke up late. (The normal for me.) I got ready in some funky fall clothes and took some senior pictures outside. (I took some with Miss Paris too.) After pictures I waited for my boyfriend to call to go to the Haunted Trail. Nothing scary. Haunted houses are so much better. I ate a small bag of Doritos for the first time in months. (I'm on a diet.) Now I'm home, in my bed. On my laptop, with an icepack on my head. I have a busting headache, so I'm relaxing. I'm going to edit a video & hopefully have it posted late tonight or tomorrow. I hope you guys had a great day!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Videos

Normally I post a video once a week. I find that it takes me so long to edit videos because I never find time. I know everyone gives that excuse. (I have time obviously. But I choose to spend my time watching everyone's videos instead of editing my own. Bad habit, I know.) I've decided that I want to start a fixed schedule. I'd like to have a fixed day to upload videos every week. Instead of uploading one on a Monday one week, and Thursday on the next. I would like to get into a video every day routine. But with school, that's kind of hard. I'm considering to do a special video everyday for every break I have off of school. So, on Thanksgiving Break you would have a vlog for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And the same for Christmas Break, Spring Break, etc. I hope that I can get into a better video schedule & make videos more often. Thank you all for reading my blog. I have many more posts to come.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Welcome to my Blog!

I made this blog so that you can know more about me than my love for beauty and fashion. YouTube has given me so many new friends and a better outlook on myself. I want to share with you my life and the things I enjoy. I want you to know more about the girl in the videos. I want you to see past the makeup & learn more about who I am. I want to show you myself behind the scenes & share with you my experience.