Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Videos

Normally I post a video once a week. I find that it takes me so long to edit videos because I never find time. I know everyone gives that excuse. (I have time obviously. But I choose to spend my time watching everyone's videos instead of editing my own. Bad habit, I know.) I've decided that I want to start a fixed schedule. I'd like to have a fixed day to upload videos every week. Instead of uploading one on a Monday one week, and Thursday on the next. I would like to get into a video every day routine. But with school, that's kind of hard. I'm considering to do a special video everyday for every break I have off of school. So, on Thanksgiving Break you would have a vlog for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And the same for Christmas Break, Spring Break, etc. I hope that I can get into a better video schedule & make videos more often. Thank you all for reading my blog. I have many more posts to come.

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