Friday, February 1, 2013

New Room

This is a small update about my new room, it's almost ready for paint ! I picked this gorgeous Tiffany blue for my bedroom & pink for my makeup & filming room. I can't wait to show you guys the finished rooms ! Be sure to watch for update videos ! This is the Tiffany blue I am painting my walls.


  1. Thank you so much, I nominated you, again. Lol (:

  2. Great! I enjoyed reading this!
    Thanks for nominating me back! LOL
    I meant what is your OFF-line fave activity... meaning outside the internet :) What is it? I'm still curious lovely!

    I'll go put the link to this post on my nomination post, so people can check your answers too!



  3. @TheInsideOutBeauty Shopping & crafting !! (:
