Sunday, June 16, 2013

I graduated !!! Now what ??

I am officially a graduate ! I've shared the entire experience on my youtube channel with all of you. You've seen pictures & much more, but aren't knowing of my thoughts. I can admit, just like any other teen I was so excited to be out ! I maybe; might had honked my horn repeatedly driving out of the parking lot, until the school was out of site. Obviously my first reaction, was YES I'm done! Looking back on the day, I realize that it only lasts for a moment, and your normal life will start again tomorrow. Though I am still receiving graduation gifts and cards a month later.. Life is no different from before. I know some people go away to college, but in my case.. I'm going to a community college my first 2 years. So, now that I'm graduated.. I'm trying to find what I want in life. I've evaluated everything recently. With all my decisions I know that my number one goal is to get on my own as soon as possible. Not to be rebellious either. I just want to experience life with my own eyes knowing that I accomplished everything by myself. So with that, I've decided multiple things I want in life & I'll list them below. If I could give any advice to a graduate it would be to find out what you want in life, for you. Not for your boyfriend, best friend, girlfriend, or family. Decide what you know will make you the happiest. And for those of you still in high school, cherish the moments. I know you hate your teachers, schoolwork, and waking up early is a pain in the ass. But face it... after all of the memories, time spent doing homework, hanging out ; you'll never see these people again. So the lesson I'm trying to teach is ; before you know it, it will have already slipped through your fingertips.

In no particular order, here's what I want in life.

  • really giving YouTube my 100% all
  • to be a PA (Physicians Assistant)
  • grow closer to my family
  • become a wife and mother
  • grow closer to God
  • eat healthy
  • workout more
  • take nothing for granted
  • be more organized 
  • get over my anxiety
  • to always be a good girlfriend
  • never give up on myself
  • never settle for less than I deserve
  • pursue a side career doing makeup
  • build the house of my dreams
  • never skip an amazing opportunity
  • to know that if things don't work out as planned, it was meant to be.


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